The first thing I want to do is give a big thank you to everyone who has been checking out the new guest author/book spotlights and interviews! Thank you for coming over and learning out the books, and what projects the writers might have lined up. Some authors who have visited are as follows: Bernard Foong, Adrienne Davenport, Celia Kennedy, Rachael Stapleton, Diana Rubino, Rival Gates, Daryl Devore, S.A Starcevic, Michael Aronovitz, Linda Lee Williams and Mika Jolie. I have met so many talented authors on my writing and publishing journey.
Readers, we all appreciate you stopping by. So, thank you!
Secondly, I wanted to inform you that A Little Magick, book two of the Magick Series, is very close to release! The pre-order pages are up, and yes, folks, we have a release date! Yay! So, it's going to be July 20th. I will probably schedule the Facebook release party for that day as well,but you'll have more updates in next month's newsletter or sometime on here. So, keep following along.
In case you're not familiar with this project yet, A Little Magick is the the second part of the Magick Series, my lighthearted take on the fantasy genre. ALM is also a children's book. I aim for this to be a book that both kids and adults can read so don't run away just yet! LOL. ALM is the sequel to Magick & Moonlight, if you're familiar with that book.
Here is the cover and blurb for A Little Magick:
Little Rosie goes to stay with her uncle. There she
meets some new friends…and some enemies. She doesn’t know that her emotions
will trigger something unusual. So far from home, suddenly Rosie has become a
full witch like her mother. For a time, it is great fun to use her powers the
way she wants, but can Rosie figure out how to use these newfound powers for
good or will she be lost to the dark side forever?
If you have kids or you know anyone with kids, you can go ahead and pre-order the ebook at the following links if you're interested.
Amazon (universal link):
What other news can I give you? Oh, yes. I have been heavily editing Upon Your Love, which will be the third and final book of the Heiresses in Love Series, the conclusion of the Hill saga. Book one and two are out now.
I have also been editing a story called Second Chance Heart, a contemporary romance which will be part of a multi-author anthology coming out in October.
Well, that's all my news for now! Stay tuned for more. You can keep up to date by subscribing to my newsletter, checking out my website, or following my other two blogs below, as well as this one.
You can also follow me on my Facebook profile, like my author page there, follow my Amazon author page or follow me on Twitter.
As always, happy reading, everyone! Have a wonderful Sunday night! :)