I recently had the opportunity to be interviewed by brilliant author Nancy Christie. It was posted as part one and two on her blog, but I will post the full interview here for your reading pleasure.
“Marie Lavender”—now doesn’t that sound like the perfect name for a
romance novelist? And that is in fact the name on the spine of novels
such as Upon Your Return, Upon Your Honor, Magick & Moonlight and Second Nature—all written by this month’s featured author.
Not that “Mare Lavender” is the only name she uses. She also
publishes under the pen names of Erica Sutherhome, Kathryn Layne and
Heather Crouse.
As for genres, she covers the gamut with her novels: historical
romance, contemporary romance, paranormal romance/fantasy, romantic
suspense, romantic mystery, mystery/thriller, literary fiction—plus
writes poetry, as well!
In this two-part interview, Marie discusses her writing process, her
experiences with both self-publishing and traditional publishing and
dealing with the biz side of writing.
For more about Marie, visit her website and her blogs: I Love Romance, Marie Lavender’s Books! and Marie Lavender’s Writing in the Modern Age. Marie is also active on the following social media sites: Facebook, Facebook: Author Marie Ann Lavender, Twitter (@marielavender1), Google+ and LinkedIn—just to name a few.
And be sure to stop back on February 15th for Part Two of the interview!
What type of writing do you do? If you do more than one kind or
prefer one genre over another, what type is your favorite or most
I am a romance author of twenty books in various genres and subgenres. I
have published historical romance, contemporary romance, paranormal
romance/fantasy, romantic suspense, mystery/thriller, literary fiction
and poetry. My favorite is romance! I love it more than anything, but
working within the different subgenres of romance gives me the chance to
explore different options.
Do you find it difficult to switch from one writing type to
another? What techniques do you use that help you switch “writing
I think it helps to get some distance between projects. So, I do that
sometimes; the rest of the time, my mind just naturally makes that
switch and decides which project it will work on that day.
How long have you been writing? When did you start? Why did you start —what triggered your writing?
I have been writing stories since I was a kid, around the age of nine. I
can’t think of a specific instance that made me start writing; I just
knew I wanted to do that for a career. I had to put those stories in my
head somewhere, and it just made sense to write it all down.
What was your “writer dream”—your goal— when you began to write? Has it changed over the years?
When I began to write, I wanted to be an author or novelist very
badly. As a kid, I always wanted to end up bookstores as well. Well, I’m
an author now, and I think that it’s natural to adjust your goals a
bit. With the popularity of e-books, it just makes sense to go with
what’s trending these days.
What is your “writer dream” now?
My dream is to reach readers in some way, to make them stop and think
with the characters and stories I write. I hope I have achieved that.
Additionally, my dream is to publish all of the projects that are
currently works in progress. At the same time, it gives me lots of
material to work with. LOL.
When did you first know that you were a writer?
I think I just knew I was a writer from the beginning. The moment
you put pen to paper, or fingertips to keyboard, with the intent of
writing something of quality for your readers, you’re a writer. When you
come of writing a scene that flowed really well, then you sit back and
look at it with amazement, that’s when you know you’re a writer. It’s
not about editing or publishing or marketing. It’s that beautiful moment
when you’re in the zone as a writer.
What does the act of writing bring into your life? Why do you want to write?
I love writing! I’ve never felt so much freedom as I do when I write. I
love getting into characters’ heads and telling their stories. I love
learning new things when I do my research for a book. All of it is
priceless, very rewarding.
Who are three of your favorite authors and why?
Nora Roberts, J.R. Ward and Kris Tualla. They are all from separate
subgenres of romance, but they are equally talented and I just love
their books.
With a nod to James Lipton, host of “Inside the Actor’s Studio”:
what profession other than that of a writer would you like to attempt?
question. I have two actually. I’ve always felt that I need to be
around books in some manner. I just love books! If I couldn’t be a
writer, I would launch my own bookstore, possibly even a rare bookstore.
The idea of having a full collection of rare, classic books is very
appealing, and imparting that to the world is important.
My other option would be to start my own publishing company, to help encourage new, talented authors in their pursuits.
Where do you do most of your writing?
The following are representations, not my actual spaces, but it is a combination of the two.
Where is the strangest place you’ve written? Where was the most inspirational?
The strangest place I’ve written? LOL. Considering that I carry a
journal everywhere, ideas can strike me at any time, but I did have one
during a shopping trip once. So, I just popped out the journal while I
was in the dressing room.
The most inspirational places for me tend to be somewhere in nature,
in a park or outside my house on a pretty day. I find that incredibly
inspiring. I also find people watching to be inspirational; no, I don’t
purposely eavesdrop, but I do pay attention to how people act.
When do you usually write: are you a morning writer, late night writer, any-time-you-can-grab-a-minute writer?
I would answer that with any time I have a minute. I write any time I
can, but my strong ideas do tend to come late at night before I go to
sleep. You know it’s a good one when you wake up and your journal is at
the end of the bed or on the floor. LOL. I tend to write out a scene
until I’m too tired to finish, but I can always pick it up again later.
How do you write: longhand, on a computer, dictate and then transcribe?
Longhand and on a computer. Half of the time, I write it down in a
journal or notebook and the rest of the time, I can compose on the fly
while I’m on the computer.
Is writing your full-time career? Part-time career?
Writing is definitely a career, but for now it’s just part-time for me. I would love to write full-time though.
I tend to write for around thirty minutes or longer every day (I’m
not exactly timing it), except for when I’m heavily focused on a
project. When that happens, then I spend several hours a day working on
the manuscript.
What stimulates your creativity or serves as a writing inspiration? Conversely, what creates a major writer’s block for you?
can inspire me to write whether it’s something I read or saw. And
sometimes, just seeing a blank notebook can make me want to write. I
also try to keep notes handy which are related to my work in progress so
that I have a reference point to start from.
What creates writer’s block? Stress can really be detrimental to
writing, but I find that if I don’t think about the issue for awhile,
the writing bug comes back. I don’t have to wait very long usually.
Do you have any writing totems? Superstitions? Strange routines?
Things you do or have to have around you when you begin your writing
Sometimes I like to see what I have written before in a scene to keep me
on track so yeah, I either have to look at that journal entry, look at a
note or the manuscript on the computer to get the juices flowing. At
other times, something will finally fall into place while I’m cooking or
doing a mundane task and I have to look for a piece of paper to write
it down on.
I am good if I just have a pen or pencil and a paper handy at all
times. I’m a bit freaky about it because I have this crazy fear that
I’ll forget it.
Do you keep a journal? If so, how often do you write in it? Is it
for personal reflection, for tracking writing ideas or both? How do you
use it?
I do keep journals. If you saw the number of journals I’ve accumulated
over the years, you’d be amazed. I mainly keep a writing journal. Most
of the time, I write scenes or poems in my journals, but sometimes I
will also do writing exercises to jumpstart creativity.
I try to write in the journal whenever I have an idea. If I haven’t
written in a while, I will free write to try to break through the jumble
of thoughts in my head.
What part of the writing process do you enjoy the most? The least?
I love when an idea is flowing really well and the writing just happens
without a hitch. The least enjoyable part is probably the editing, but
it is a necessary evil.
Regarding your fiction, what triggers the story idea: a character, a setting, plot or dialogue?
My ideas come in any form. Sometimes it’s the character I think of
first, sometimes the plot or dialogue. Occasionally, I am inspired by
setting, but usually that comes last. It just depends on the project, I
guess. Most of the time, the scene comes first, and the overall plot
comes later.
Where do you come up with your titles—what is the story behind one of your book titles?
I struggle with titles sometimes. Unless I am already sure about a
title, I will keep it untitled or at least give the story a temporary
title until I have the right one.
With the Heiresses in Love Series, everything really fell into place. The title for the first book, Upon Your Return, was inspired by a piece of the dialogue. And it really worked with the story.
From then on, with the sequels, I tried to keep it related to the first book while honoring the themes in each one. Upon Your Return, Upon Your Honor, and Upon Your Love, which I am writing now.
Stop back on the 15th (the day after Valentine’s Day—appropriately enough!) for more with Marie on the subject of romance—literary-style!
And I’d love to hear your thoughts on the what Marie has shared!
We’re back with romance novelist Marie Lavender, author of Upon Your Return, Upon Your Honor, Magick & Moonlight and Second Nature. (Click here for Part One!)
In this two-part interview, Marie discusses her writing process, her
experiences with both self-publishing and traditional publishing and
dealing with the biz side of writing.
For more about Marie, visit her website and her blogs: I Love Romance, Marie Lavender’s Books! and Marie Lavender’s Writing in the Modern Age. Marie is also active on the following social media sites: Facebook, Facebook: Author Marie Ann Lavender, Twitter (@marielavender1), Google+ and LinkedIn—just to name a few.
What is your most recent book or published piece? What inspired this?
My most recent book, Second Nature, recently came out on December 9th.
It is a paranormal romance/urban fantasy. I guess I always wanted to
write a story about vampires, and the story naturally came from that. I
didn’t intend for it to turn into a series; that just happened. The idea
started from the point of Desiree’s kidnapping and it kind of ballooned
from there.
You both self-published and used a traditional publisher. What were your experiences with both?
I have self-published 16 books. I would say that the main challenges
were editing and marketing. Four of my books were traditionally
published. Finding a good agent or publisher is always challenging. It
took about a year of agent rejections to find the right publisher for
I also learned a few things during this publishing process. One, be
prepared to have your book edited to death. I didn’t expect that with Upon Your Return,
but I know the book came out better for it. Two, have a general idea of
the timeline of your series books. It will save you a lot of trouble in
the long run. Three, launch your blogs and website well in advance of
being published, and know how to market them. I learned that the hard
How long did it take you to write your first book? Was it easier or harder than you expected?
Upon Your Return took me about nine years to write, but only
because I was writing it off and on, and it was also my first historical
romance. That made me a bit tentative about everything. It was a lot
harder in some ways than I expected. For example, I really struggled
with pinning down the story to a specific year. Once I did though, it
started to really become a piece I was proud of.
You have 20 novels under your belt—has your writing process
changed from when you wrote your first book? Have you developed ways to
streamline the process?
Definitely. I am a lot more organized about my projects now. When I am
focused on a writing project, I tend to get stubborn and work at it
until it’s done. Then I go back in and put the finer details into the
manuscript. When I am finally satisfied with it, I take a small break,
then go back and do three rounds of editing before a proofreader, beta
reader or critique partner ever look at it.
your many books, was there one that was the most challenging to write
either from a technical/research perspective or from an
emotional/psychological aspect?
As I mentioned before, Upon Your Return was challenging because of the research. There was one aspect of the research in Upon Your Honor
which was challenging as well, and that was trying to figure out how
long a clipper ship journey would take from one location to another.
Once I found out the answer, everything else fell into place.
Another book, A Touch of Dawn, self-published under the pen
name Erica Sutherhome, was challenging from a purely emotional or
psychological standpoint. I really connected with the characters, but
there was one sensitive issue (rape) in the story. It is told after it
happens, but I still had to balance on that delicate line between fact
and fiction in order to honor the characters and the storyline.
What is the next project you have in the works?
I just finished up writing a children’s fantasy story called A Little Magick, the sequel to Magick & Moonlight
(the Magick Series). The story is with beta readers now, but it should
be published soon. I am also working on the final book of the Heiresses
in Love Series; it is titled Upon Your Love. I am very excited about the conclusion to the series. There will be lots of twists and even some new characters!
I also hope to start working heavily on the second book in the Blood at First Sight Series at some point. That is titled Blood Instincts.
What marketing strategies have you used to promote your book?
I keep a web presence on Google+, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. I also
maintain my blogs and update my website periodically. I do book cover
ads and I do a lot of guest blog posts or author interviews.
Have you engaged in any virtual events, such as blog tours or
Skype interviews? If so, how did it work? What advice do you have for
authors who are planning to engage in either or both?
I haven’t done official blog tours, but I have set up my own with
different bloggers. With regards to Skype interviews, I haven’t done
those, but I have done several radio interviews. Blog tours seem to be
an excellent way to reach new readers. I would suggest both because the
more exposure you have, the greater chance you have of reaching a wider
Are there aspects of the writing or publishing business that you
have found particularly challenging or difficult? What do you find the
hardest part about the “writing business”?
Keeping up with the business side of things is definitely a challenge,
especially if you have a side job or a family life. But, it is part of
the job just like any other career. If you can better manage your time,
you can stay sane, which your family and friends will thank you for in
the long run. LOL.
Conversely, have there been aspects or experiences that surprised or touched you or that you thoroughly enjoyed?
Running a guest blog, and meeting lots of other writers has been very
rewarding for me. I also love hearing from a reader who really enjoyed
one of my books. Nothing makes me happier than knowing they “got” the
character as intended.
Based on your own experience, what tips do you have for authors
who are preparing for their “maiden voyage” on the sea of publication?
Make sure you have edited your manuscript like crazy. And yes, that
includes having critique partners and beta readers look over it with
their feedback. If you can afford a professional editor, consider going
that route as well. An almost flawless book will look a lot more
appealing to a publisher or agent than something they have to strain to
Don’t be afraid to try new things, like guest blogging. When I first
began this journey, the idea of writing articles was quite foreign to
me. But, I did it and now it’s not even painful. It’s natural to think
you have nothing to offer, but everyone does. Everyone has a tidbit of
wisdom to give to other writers or readers.
Don’t give up! The publishing journey is a battle, and you have to face it like a warrior.
Don’t forget why you started on this writing endeavor. You love to
write, right? No matter what you have to do on the business side of
things, never forget the reason you began writing. Always come back to
that, and it will keep you sane. It’s really not about sales; it’s about
doing what you love, and people will see that in your writing.
What was your favorite childhood book? Is there one that, now as an adult, you read again?
My favorite series when I was younger was The Baby-Sitters Club by Ann M. Martin. I couldn’t get enough of it. I can’t say I read it now at all, but it did spark my love of series books.
What type of books do you prefer to read: non-fiction, fiction, essays, poetry?
Fiction, of course. I do spend time reading poetry in poetry discussion groups because I find it fascinating.
What book are you reading now?
Lover Unbound by J.R. Ward.
What book—or author—do you find yourself reading again?
J.R. Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood Series. I also go back to Kris Tualla’s Discreet Gentleman Series now and then.
Who has inspired you — either at a personal level or as a writer?
My fiancé has been a great inspiration to me on a personal level and as a
writer. He isn’t a writer, but he is ambitious and hard-working, and
his brilliant mind inspires me every day.
Which three authors would you love to have a “One on One” with?
Linda Lee Williams, Chloe Neill and Nora Roberts.
How do you blend your writing life with your “real life”—do you
find it challenging to make time for both sides? If so, what are some of
the difficulties and how do you resolve them?
Yeah, it is hard. I have learned how to be stubborn both ways. If I have
a deadline, my family knows I have to finish that first. On the other
hand, I have to tell myself “no” sometimes too. It is easy to be a
workaholic, and I am constantly striving for that balance between making
time for writing and my other life.
What’s the worst advice anyone gave you about being a writer? What’s the best?
I will answer the same to both. I had a professor in college who, after
my telling her how much I love romance, told me not to limit myself to
romance writing. The thing is that I haven’t limited myself at all. If
someone told me in college that I would be pursuing ideas in fantasy or
suspense, I probably would have laughed or thought they were crazy. It
just happened that way, and I have learned to open myself up to other
types of writing, including literary fiction, poetry and
Who knows? Maybe one day, I will be comfortable enough to tackle a
genre I don’t usually read. Sci-fi? It’s a possibility. My point is that
those words were the best and worst thing to say because although my
internal response was to rail against it at the time, I have been living
with those words for years and they have changed me for the better, I
How do you define success as a writer? What makes you feel successful as a writer?
I think it depends on the individual writer. I am happy having been
published, and looking at my bookshelf of published books. To me, that
means I succeeded.
Conversely, what makes you feel like a failure, and how do you combat that?
As humans, we always have these high expectations for ourselves. But, I
also think that it’s okay to reorganize our expectations. I don’t think
you should give up on your dreams, but realizing it’s not going to be an
easy journey is a good thing as well. Be perseverant, and know that
though it will be hard, it will still be rewarding.
As a writer, I set small, manageable goals for myself every day. Get
this task or that task done. I used to be incredibly disappointed if I
didn’t meet the goal and even though it wasn’t a huge deal, I would feel
like a failure. Now, I try not to take myself so seriously. I am only
human, not superhuman. There are only so many things I can do in one
day, and it’s not the end of the world if I do it tomorrow or the next
day instead. Life is too short to do otherwise.
What is your idea of a perfect writing day?
A perfect writing day would be a day on the beach. I might go swimming,
then lie on a towel and read for a while under an umbrella. A little
after that, I would use the white noise of the beautiful surf to get
some major writing done. Ah…perfect.
What advice do you have for other writers who are contemplating pursuing a writing career?
Do what you love first, and worry about the business side of things when
you think you’re ready to start looking for a publisher. I would
reiterate that editing is a big deal, and definitely get your website
going early. You have to start building a fan base before you get
What do you want your writer’s epitaph to be?
That’s far too arrogant for me to construct, but I do hope to touch people through my writing at least.
My thanks to Marie for being part of One on One: Insights Into the Writer’s Life. Please check out her Books page and share your comments on her interview here!
This blog is intended to provide updates about Marie Lavender's books, other author news, guest interviews, and miscellaneous items such as Wednesday special feature posts.
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