I have some pretty cool news! The Romance Reviews is giving away a copy of my latest release, a contemporary romance titled Second Chance Heart! Only today, so hurry before it's too late!!
What are the details? Well, I'll tell you...
All you have to do is visit the event page for TRR’s Year End Splash, then scroll down and find the Q&A for Second Chance Heart ! To qualify in the contest, you’ll need to register or log in to the site. Other than that, it’s very simple!
On top of that, there are more than 300 prizes available on the
site. The Grand Prize is an Amazon Kindle Fire HD7, sponsored by Blushing
Books! Pretty awesome, right?
Also, keep checking the site up until the end of the month, as these great prizes are running till the 30th! Here is the cool prize list!
Here is the blurb for Second Chance Heart:
After a wild storm forces her to take shelter in a small town inn,
Dana Nelson thinks that all she has to worry about is a brief stay
before she heads back to the city. She gets far more than she bargained
The last thing she expects is to run into an old flame, and even
worse, the man who broke her heart twelve years ago. She’s sure that the
only thing remaining between them is a strong attraction for another.
She can’t be more wrong…
The more time she spends with Vince Reynolds, the more she begins to
believe she can trust him again. But, can she put her faith in the one
man who captivates her, body and soul, or are some wounds too deep to
So, visit the site and don’t forget to enter the contest to win a free ebook of Second Chance Heart! Hurry, because the contest for SCH runs till 11:59 PM EST today.
You won't regret it! Happy reading, folks! :)
This blog is intended to provide updates about Marie Lavender's books, other author news, guest interviews, and miscellaneous items such as Wednesday special feature posts.
Cover Reveal Feature: S.A. Starcevic's UNMASKED!
Today, we're doing something a little different. For our 400th post, I wanted to bring a new release to your attention. S.A. Starcevic, a previous visiting author to the Marie Lavender's Books! blog, has an awesome new book coming out on December 18th. Let's check out the cool details, shall we?
Book Blurb
Superheroes are at war, but not with villains.
As the first
few rumblings of discontent start to make themselves heard, Ethan and
his friends in the Protectorate will have to face their greatest foe,
one who is all around—the public.
Pre-order Links:
Amazon Universal link: http://bookgoodies.com/a/B017MF67SY
Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/ en-ca/ebook/unmasked-38
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/ books/view/590750
BookStrand: http://www.bookstrand.com/ unmasked-5
All Romance: https://www.allromanceebooks. com/product-unmasked-1921883- 345.html
Apple: https://itunes.apple.com/us/ book/unmmasked/id1056247900? mt=11
And S.A. is giving us an exclusive excerpt of his book!
“On three,” Lara said.
We stood in a loose formation—Lara, hovering a solid meter off the ground. Gabriella, her twins swords poised to attack. Zane, his hands crackling. Greyson, the air whirling around him. And Android, elbow joints bent back to reveal nozzles. Oh, and then there was me—tensed up, prepared to leap into battle, trying to pretend I wasn’t shaking like a leaf in a Katrina-sized hurricane.
Yeah, right. Who was I fooling? I wasn’t like the others—battle-hardened and uber-professional. I still had nightmares about facing down supervillains, like when I’d taken on Lord Manta and almost didn’t live to tell the tale. As hard as I’d tried, I’d never been able to scrub his face from my memory. I wondered if I’d ever be able to forget about it. Somehow, I doubted it.
Still, there was comfort in numbers. Between the six of us, we had enough firepower to blow the roof off the training room. Our opponent? That would be the giant robot suit with twin plasma cannons strapped to its shoulders. It looked like something out of a Japanese cartoon or a sci-fi video game. Behind the controls, Flo wore a crazy-wide grin and a white lab coat, looking like Einstein’s blonder, prettier, wackier granddaughter, if he had one.
“One,” Lara said.
Her blonde hair floated around her like a halo. Zane’s face was as tight as the bolt-shaped scar ridging his brow. Gabriella might as well have been striking a pose for a magazine cover. We’d all geared up in our rubber suits, and I didn’t know about the rest of them, but I couldn’t move a muscle without squeaking.
Even so, I tried not to show how badly I trembled. Adrenaline had that effect whether I welcomed it or not. Up in the control room, General Slade watched over us, his gunmetal gaze assessing. We couldn’t afford to mess up.
It was go time. Lara rocketed up and then dived down, fists outstretched. The giant robot moved with a whir of gears and pistons, slamming a fist into her and sending her pin wheeling backward. She crashed against the wall and slid down, managing to slow her descent before dropping to the floor.
Zane shoved out his hands, hurling twin bolts of lightning, which sparked against the giant robot’s metal shell like tinfoil in a microwave. Still, it didn’t make a dent, and a moment later, the beams snapped off. From the rise and fall of his shoulders, I could tell he was spent. Damn. We weren’t off to a sizzling start.
That was where Gabriella came in. Like a wraith, she sprinted across the distance, going in zigzags, dodging and ducking and weaving. The giant robot twisted around, tried to squash her, but she was too quick, too nimble. With a few quick jumps, she scaled its torso like the world’s most agile Everest-climber. She raised her swords, preparing to sink them into its metal shell, but before she could achieve her goal, its gauntleted fist detached from its arm, swooped around like a heat-seeking missile and knocked her off her perch. I winced at the crunch, but she managed to cavort in midair and land in a crouch. Still, her scowl showed she was more than a little miffed.
Next, it was Greyson’s turn. He gestured, and two spinning air elementals materialized, whirling over with howling war cries. I gave a silent cheer of support. However, that was when there was a sound like wind turbines revving up, and the machine’s shoulder cannons glowed white-green. Uh-oh, I thought. There was an explosion of light and twin beams obliterated the elementals, but the blast didn’t stop there.
The next few moments happened as if in slow motion. I glimpsed Flo pounding at the controls, the panic plain on her face as she realized she was unable to shut it off. And I saw the surprise on Greyson’s face as the shafts of light swept toward him. He didn’t move. He couldn’t move, like a deer caught in headlights. I thought I could see the reflection of the light in his gaze.
I stepped forward without thinking, bracing for impact. When the beams hit me, I stumbled. I could feel the atoms whizzing around, like little bubbles in a tall glass of soda, carbonating my blood. Still, I ignored the rush it gave me and pushed, pushed, back. I strained muscles I didn’t even know I had, physical and mental. It was all I could do not to lose it and self-combust like a satellite crashing out of orbit. That wouldn’t be helpful.
Without warning, the energy snapped off, and I was left blinking away the little fuzzy dots and trying not to pass out. When my vision cleared and I could be sure I wasn’t about to keel over, I noticed Android standing next to the machine, holding what looked like a giant aux cord. It took me a second to process what had just happened. Android had yanked out the power, I realized, and just in the nick of time. Much longer and I would’ve ended up like Mom’s Christmas turkey dinner after it’d been left in the oven for too long.
A hiss of static, and General Slade’s voice crackled out of the PA. “Good job, everyone. Nice teamwork.”
A trap door popped open, and Flo wedged her head out of the machine. Her hair stuck up at odd angles, kind of like bird feathers, and she looked frazzled. Still, she beamed. “That,” she said, “was awesome."

Cool! We'll be sure to check out this great superhero story! Congrats on the new book, S.A.!
Readers, you can grab it on pre-order now! :)
About the Author:
S. A. Starcevic wanted to be a
superhero when he was little, but nowadays he settles for the next best thing:
writing about them. You can snag UNTOUCHABLE (signed with Forever More Publishing) at a whole bunch of places.
When he’s not slaving over the other books
in the series, he blogs about writing, publishing and world domination
at Bookshelf of Doom.

Author Links:
Amazon Author Central: www.amazon.com/S.-A.-Starcevic/e/B00XBKT5AW/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BookshelfOfDoom
S.A.'s Books:
Coming Soon:
Available Now:
Exclusive Interview with Author Andrea Perno
Today, we're doing something a little different. This is our 15th guest author interview on the Marie Lavender's Books! blog, and fellow author Andrea Perno is visiting us.
Hello! It’s such a pleasure to have you here. :)
Hi. Thank you for letting me visit.
Hi. Thank you for letting me visit.
My pleasure!
Can you tell us a little bit about your latest book? When did it come out and where can we get it?

My latest book, Remotely Unplugged,
was published February 22nd of this year. It’s about how people are
becoming more and more hopelessly bound by technology. The story is built on
the idea that if a society had access to all the technological information and
advice they would ever need, people could live a happy, healthy, stress free
life. That, of course, isn’t the case. This book follows the first person
perspective of a woman plugged into the grid who finds herself needing a
complete “reset.” But with the reset comes consequences.
Remotely Unplugged is nominated for
two awards, one of which is through Red City reviews. You can read the amazing
review Red City provided here: http://redcityreview.com/genres/science-fiction-fantasy/
(It’s the 9th review
down in science fiction/fantasy.)
Remotely Unplugged can be found
exclusively on Amazon in print and kindle editions.
Is there anything that prompted your book? Something that inspired you?
Is there anything that prompted your book? Something that inspired you?
Remotely Unplugged was inspired by a
trip I took to Canada with a girlfriend of mine. We went to college together
and were on the equestrian (horse) team in college. When we graduated, we wanted
to take a week long horseback riding trip. We chose a remote part of Banff,
Canada for our trip. It was the most incredible horseback riding adventure you
can ever imagine. It was just the two of us. And a mountain guide. We traveled
for about six hours a day on horseback, getting more and more lost in the
beauty that is the Canadian wilderness. I wouldn’t trade the experience for the
world. No cell phones, no computers, just pure survival in its most basic form.
It was a fabulous trip, but at the same time I kept thinking, 'Man, if our guide
was a serial killer or someone who wanted to hurt us, literally no one would
know.' There’s no cell reception at the top of the mountain. Whom would you call
anyway? Who would have the skills to come find us if we could actually get in
touch with anyone? Thus the story of Remotely Unplugged was born.
So, tell us...
When did you know you wanted to write? Or has it always been a pastime of yours?
When did you know you wanted to write? Or has it always been a pastime of yours?
Writing has always been a pastime. My
parents used to drive myself and my two brothers all over the United States
growing up. Every summer we would camp and fish and hike somewhere different in
the USA. One of the things we did as kids was to write campfire short stories
during the car ride to wherever it was we were going. We would each have a
night to read our stories by the fire and enjoy one another’s company. I credit
my parents for really starting my writing career and then my teachers for
fostering a love of literature in school.
Oh, wow! What an inspiring tale! I credit my mother with my love of reading because she used to read to me as a very young girl. When I could read on my own, though, I was set! :)
So...do you
have any favorite authors?
I really love Michael Crichton, Isaac
Asimov, Suzanne Collins and Ray Bradury. They are what I consider true Sci-fi
writers. I look up to them and enjoy their work. One day I hope to find myself
counted among them as one of the great science fiction writers of our time.
That's great!
So, we're curious. Do you write in a specific place? Or time of day?
I usually write in my living room
(that’s on the computer itself). I work so much during the day (I’m an Art
teacher in Baltimore) that I do a lot of my writing as voice notes on my phone
while I’m stuck in traffic driving to and from work every day. My average
commute is about an hour so I have lots of time to think and record notes that
I later transcribe from the comfort of my living room in the evening. My time
of day is evening unless I’m on winter break or summer break from school. When
I’m on break, my preferred time to write is first thing in the morning.
All right.
Are there any words you'd like to impart
to fellow writers? Any advice?
Advice to fellow writers? Just keep
writing. Every day. Even if you only write one sentence or even one word. Keep
going. Before you know it, you’ll have a full length novel ready to edit and
show to the world! Make it happen each and every day. and be kind to yourself
and your work. It’s hard to write a book and there are a lot of naysayers out
there. Just remember, at the end of the day, no matter what anyone says, the
story is still your own. If you’re happy with it, that’s what’s most
And thank you so much for stopping by! It was such a pleasure to have you here. :)
Readers, here is the blurb for Remotely Unplugged.
Technology is all around
us. Humanity is becoming hopelessly bound by it. What if a society were built
exclusively with dependence on technology? An existence where all the
information you need is literally plugged into your head?
Sarah finds herself within this world, craving for change, but all she sees is a mindless compliance to the technology around her. Her unwillingness to follow the status quo has landed her in trouble and there are those who have had enough of her meddling.
In an effort to correct Sarah’s mal-compliance issues, she is taken to a remote facility to be “unplugged.” “Reset” in an effort to make her conform to the world around her. But hers is not a simple reset and what she discovers once she arrives will not only put her in mortal danger, but will also unravel a truth far beyond her expectations.
Sarah finds herself within this world, craving for change, but all she sees is a mindless compliance to the technology around her. Her unwillingness to follow the status quo has landed her in trouble and there are those who have had enough of her meddling.
In an effort to correct Sarah’s mal-compliance issues, she is taken to a remote facility to be “unplugged.” “Reset” in an effort to make her conform to the world around her. But hers is not a simple reset and what she discovers once she arrives will not only put her in mortal danger, but will also unravel a truth far beyond her expectations.
Riveting! Readers, don't forget to check out this book!
Purchase Links:
Universal Amazon: http://bookgoodies.com/a/B00TWPZBJ4
CreateSpace: https://www.createspace.com/5332796
Author Bio
Andrea Perno writes futuristic science fiction. She divides her time
between being a full time art teacher in Baltimore and writing. With
very little "sit down" time to herself, she creates most of her writing
through voice notes on her phone while driving to and from work. She
grew up in Florida and Pennsylvania and now resides in Maryland where
she enjoys the company of her husband, family and friends. In her spare
time she can be found writing, creating artwork or on the back of a
horse soaking up the sunshine outdoors.
Author Links:
Website/Blog: http://www.andreaperno.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PernoAndrea
Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/Andrea-Perno/e/B00LQ9TDDY/
Andrea's Books:
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