Interview on BooksOnline Directory!

Recently, I had an interview post on BooksOnline Directory. This is an awesome site where authors can feature their books for readers, and they recently started offering interviews. Here is the link to the Q&A, but I will go ahead and put the full interview below for you as well.

Tell us a little about yourself and your background? - See more at:

Hi Marie Lavender, thank you for agreeing to this interview.
Booksonline : Tell us a little about yourself and your background?
Marie Lavender : I am a romance author of 19 books. I am from the Midwest, and I live with my family and three cats. I have always wanted to write for a living.
Booksonline : What are your ambitions for your writing career?
Marie Lavender : I just hope to publish more books and maybe get my books in bookstores in the future.
Booksonline : When did you decide to become a writer?
Marie Lavender : At age 9.
Booksonline : Why do you write?
Marie Lavender : I write because I cannot imagine doing anything else for the rest of my life. I feel the most unbelievable sense of freedom when I'm writing a scene, when I am immersed in the story.
Booksonline : What made you decide to sit down and actually start something?
Marie Lavender : It just seemed to naturally occur. I had tons of stories in my had as a child, and it just made sense to start writing them all down.
Booksonline : Where do your ideas come from?
Marie Lavender : At times, they seem to virtually come out of nowhere. At other times, I am inspired by something I read or saw when I was out. I am an observer so that can really feed into my work.
Booksonline : What is the hardest thing about writing?
Marie Lavender : There are a lot of steps to writing. First, you write everything you can. Then, you have go back and look at it objectively to see how it can be improved, how you can delve further into the character or better show the scene. It can also be somewhat challenging to find the correct information when doing research. Editing can be a real chore. The hardest thing for me was realizing that writing was nothing compared to the rest. Writing isn't exactly easy, but it is usually the fun part. Editing, publishing and marketing are a lot harder.
Booksonline : What is the easiest thing about writing?
Marie Lavender : I think the best thing, the easiest thing, is when the ideas are really flowing, when the scene is coming out smoothly that you sit back in amazement when it's on the page.
Booksonline : If this book is part of a series, tell us a little about it?
Marie Lavender : My latest book is called Upon your Honor, and it is part of the Heiresses in Love Series. The book is a Victorian romance with quite a bit of suspense. It is about a young woman, Chloe, who stows away on a clipper ship to escape the nightmare at home. She believes she will be safe, but that is really far from the truth.
Booksonline : What are your thoughts on writing a book series?
Marie Lavender : I think sometimes it is necessary. A writer can be surprised when characters pop up, wanting their stories to be told. Sometimes they are connected to previous works, sometimes they aren't. I think most readers like reading a series; I know I do. The trouble is deciding when it has to end. I see some serial novels spanning between eight to fifteen books, and to me, though the books are good, it can seem a bit overwhelming as a whole. Personally, I like the idea of a trilogy (I read a lot of Nora Roberts and she does it all of the time). A trilogy isn't too short, but isn't too long. Of course, if it goes over that, about four to six books, that isn't bad either. It is a manageable number for both the author and reader. I am currently writing the last book of the Heiresses in Love trilogy, and there is a lot going on, not only about the two main characters, but also we get to take a look at some of the previous characters. I am determined to wrap everything up in this book. Not only do I not want to separate the individual stories out into other books, the theme of the book really works with what is going on for everyone. So, I think a trilogy is just perfect in this case. I am also working on the Blood at First Sight trilogy, a paranormal romance/urban fantasy/futuristic/dystopian series. The first book, Second Nature, is releasing very soon.
Booksonline : What is your favourite positive saying?
Marie Lavender : This one isn't specifically related to writing, but romance since I love romance (and that's what I write). Here it is: “A true man does not need to romance a different girl every night, a true man romances the same girl for the rest of her life.” -Ana Alas
Booksonline : Where can you see yourself in 5 years’ time?
Marie Lavender : I see myself married with maybe a kid, and, of course, I'd like to be well into the Witches of Moonhaven Series, a future series of six books that I have planned.
Booksonline : What advice would you give to your younger self?
Marie Lavender : Be patient. Everything happens when it's supposed to. Also, enjoy the journey!
- See more at:
Hi Marie Lavender, thank you for agreeing to this interview.
Booksonline : Tell us a little about yourself and your background?
Marie Lavender : I am a romance author of 19 books. I am from the Midwest, and I live with my family and three cats. I have always wanted to write for a living.
Booksonline : What are your ambitions for your writing career?
Marie Lavender : I just hope to publish more books and maybe get my books in bookstores in the future.
Booksonline : When did you decide to become a writer?
Marie Lavender : At age 9.
Booksonline : Why do you write?
Marie Lavender : I write because I cannot imagine doing anything else for the rest of my life. I feel the most unbelievable sense of freedom when I'm writing a scene, when I am immersed in the story.
Booksonline : What made you decide to sit down and actually start something?
Marie Lavender : It just seemed to naturally occur. I had tons of stories in my had as a child, and it just made sense to start writing them all down.
Booksonline : Where do your ideas come from?
Marie Lavender : At times, they seem to virtually come out of nowhere. At other times, I am inspired by something I read or saw when I was out. I am an observer so that can really feed into my work.
Booksonline : What is the hardest thing about writing?
Marie Lavender : There are a lot of steps to writing. First, you write everything you can. Then, you have go back and look at it objectively to see how it can be improved, how you can delve further into the character or better show the scene. It can also be somewhat challenging to find the correct information when doing research. Editing can be a real chore. The hardest thing for me was realizing that writing was nothing compared to the rest. Writing isn't exactly easy, but it is usually the fun part. Editing, publishing and marketing are a lot harder.
Booksonline : What is the easiest thing about writing?
Marie Lavender : I think the best thing, the easiest thing, is when the ideas are really flowing, when the scene is coming out smoothly that you sit back in amazement when it's on the page.
Booksonline : If this book is part of a series, tell us a little about it?
Marie Lavender : My latest book is called Upon your Honor, and it is part of the Heiresses in Love Series. The book is a Victorian romance with quite a bit of suspense. It is about a young woman, Chloe, who stows away on a clipper ship to escape the nightmare at home. She believes she will be safe, but that is really far from the truth.
Booksonline : What are your thoughts on writing a book series?
Marie Lavender : I think sometimes it is necessary. A writer can be surprised when characters pop up, wanting their stories to be told. Sometimes they are connected to previous works, sometimes they aren't. I think most readers like reading a series; I know I do. The trouble is deciding when it has to end. I see some serial novels spanning between eight to fifteen books, and to me, though the books are good, it can seem a bit overwhelming as a whole. Personally, I like the idea of a trilogy (I read a lot of Nora Roberts and she does it all of the time). A trilogy isn't too short, but isn't too long. Of course, if it goes over that, about four to six books, that isn't bad either. It is a manageable number for both the author and reader. I am currently writing the last book of the Heiresses in Love trilogy, and there is a lot going on, not only about the two main characters, but also we get to take a look at some of the previous characters. I am determined to wrap everything up in this book. Not only do I not want to separate the individual stories out into other books, the theme of the book really works with what is going on for everyone. So, I think a trilogy is just perfect in this case. I am also working on the Blood at First Sight trilogy, a paranormal romance/urban fantasy/futuristic/dystopian series. The first book, Second Nature, is releasing very soon.
Booksonline : What is your favourite positive saying?
Marie Lavender : This one isn't specifically related to writing, but romance since I love romance (and that's what I write). Here it is: “A true man does not need to romance a different girl every night, a true man romances the same girl for the rest of her life.” -Ana Alas
Booksonline : Where can you see yourself in 5 years’ time?
Marie Lavender : I see myself married with maybe a kid, and, of course, I'd like to be well into the Witches of Moonhaven Series, a future series of six books that I have planned.
Booksonline : What advice would you give to your younger self?
Marie Lavender : Be patient. Everything happens when it's supposed to. Also, enjoy the journey!
- See more at:
Marie Lavender,

Writing and Motivation: An Author’s Blog Tour

It’s National Novel Writing Month and even though I am not officially trying to write a novel in one month, my readers know I am always working on something, even multiple projects at the same time (as evidenced from the ‘Projects and Writing’ section of my website).  In celebration of NaNoWriMo, Webucator is asking authors to answer a few questions about their writing careers.

Here are my responses:

What were your goals when you started writing? 

That one’s easy!  When I was a child, I knew I wanted to be an author/writer/novelist (I used the terms interchangeably).  My main goal was to see my name in print on a book, and preferably in a bookstore.  Of course, I did achieve that, though times have changed and now ebooks are a thing.  It really wasn’t about fame at all.  My goal was to make a difference through my writing, and I hope I have done that. 

What are your goals now?

My goals can range from finishing a certain book or series to finding the time to write.  A more complicated goal of mine is to help people; I hope I have made an impact somehow.  As I write mainly romance, I hope I have caused people to believe in true love or at least believe that lasting love is attainable.

What pays the bills now?

I will be as frank as I have in other interviews.  I do have side jobs.  I have since I was about 19 years old, ten years after I began on this writing adventure.  Presently, I book appointments for an entertainment company, and recently I started supervising on the weekends.  Additionally, I am working with my fiancĂ© on a medical device start-up.  Yes, I do all of this outside of writing.

Assuming writing doesn’t pay the bills, what motivates you to keep writing?

I have stopped thinking along the lines of finances when it comes to writing.  So many things are constantly changing in this industry.  For myself, I am happiest when I am deep into the writing of a scene, when the story is flowing and the characters are coming alive on the page.  So, I pour my heart and soul into the whole thing.  When the manuscript is finished, then I think about the technical aspects – like editing, finding critique partners or beta readers, and then publishing.  Publishing is always last.  When it is ready for a publisher, then you can work to get the attention of one.  But, there are all kinds of hoops to jump through during the publishing process as well.  

I think the three most satisfying things that motivate me are:  1) Writing the story.  2) Seeing the final work published – either in e-book or print format (That’s your baby out there, and it’s a proud moment!). 3) Hearing from a reader about how well they liked the book and why.  That’s validation that you have done your job to the best of your ability.  All of these things keep me writing, keep me focused on my next project.  Sure, as humans we need a break now and then from everything.  But, I always come back, ready to get to work on a new book.  First, I write for myself because I can’t imagine doing anything else for the rest of my life.  And second, I keep myself accountable to readers by putting out the best quality of work I can.

What advice would you give young authors hoping to make a career out of writing?

I think that when we all start out, we have stars in our eyes.  Believe me, I am a big fan of dreaming; I am also a dreamer.  But, new writers tend to think that once they make it big, they basically have it all.  I hate to be the utterly realistic parent here…but, look at the competition.  Count how many bestselling authors you’ve heard of against the ones you haven’t, the ones that are working their butts off every day to try to get to that level.  It can be disheartening sometimes. Hundreds of thousands of new books come out every year.  That’s what you’re up against.  

The point is to stop thinking about monetary goals.  Adjust them a bit.  Is your main goal to be published traditionally?  That’s great!  That is actually a manageable goal.  So, get out there and work on achieving it.  Pick up side jobs if you have to.  Hell, I know many authors who also have full-time professional jobs (unrelated to writing or publishing) alongside being writers.  All of us want to write full-time, but we may not be able to.  Don’t let that get you down.  Keep writing!

Put everything into small, manageable goals such as…“Today, I will work on my novel” or “Today, I will research my character’s job.”  Once you’re finished writing your manuscript, maybe your next goal is to find a good editor.  Always give yourself these smaller goals to work on, steps that will lead to your larger goals.  If you look too long at the bigger picture, you may become jaded and you will forget why you started this journey in the first place.  Reward yourself in small ways if you achieve your milestones.  If you finished your manuscript, go out and celebrate it with your friends and family.  Linger over it for a brief time, then get back to work.  You want to enjoy those successes as well.  

Constantly remind yourself of why you are writing at all.  If you are in love with writing, so to speak, you will realize it as you are immersed in your manuscript.  But, never, ever forget what you brought you to each level in your journey.  Where you started is just as important as where you end up.

Well, I definitely found these questions thought-provoking.  I’d like to invite my fellow authors to participate, even if they do it after NaNoWriMo.  I think a lot of aspiring writers could use this kind of information to pursue their dreams.  So, let’s make this an awesome blog tour!  :)

Suprise five star reviews for M&M!

Magick & Moonlight just received two new five star reviews! How exciting!  :)

Here are the reviews I found on Amazon:

This review is from: Magick & Moonlight (Kindle Edition)
I just fell in love with this book from the beginning. It was so romantic. I felt like I was there experiencing everything that happened. Hope to read more from you

Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Magick & Moonlight (Kindle Edition)
Can a Wiccan find true Love? Jessie and Ethan come across each other at what appears to be the right time in their lives, but not by his free will. She needs him and he needs her, and together they find each other. It's a delightful romance about two people who are so different from each other. Opposites attract, or do they? Fun, sweet, exciting, and joyful make up this feel-good romance. So worth reading!

Carole McKee, Author

Magick and Moonlight

Update on the Radio Interview

Hi, readers!  I just wanted to pop in and say that the group author interview I participated in last evening went very well!  

If you weren't aware, Bennet Pomerantz asked me to drop by for this exciting interview on his show ANY WHICH WAY BUT LOOSE, which is part of the World of Ink Network on Blog Talk Radio.

In any case, it was a fun experience and I wouldn't mind chatting with Bennet again!  

Here is the link where you can listen to the recorded interview: 

Enjoy!  :)

Catch me in a radio interview this Saturday!

This Saturday, November 8th, you can catch me in a group author radio interview on the World of Ink Network on Blog Talk Radio at 9:00 p.m. EST.  The specific show is ANY WHICH WAY BUT LOOSE with Bennet Pomerantz. 

So, stop by and listen in!  It should be a blast!  :)

Taking a Break from MLB

Yes, readers, that's right. I'm on hiatus for a while. I know I haven't posted for a bit, and that's really the reason why I...