From the Desk of the Editor in Chief: Submissions -- Solstice Publishing
morning. Welcome to my desk and all the activity upon it. Today, we’re going to
talk about submissions. I’ve had so many people ask what it takes to submit to
Solstice Publishing, I think it’s time to explain the process.
just finished your book. Beta readers are telling you it’s the best book they’ve
ever read. You go over your work one more time, before deciding to start the
submission process. Next, you begin the research, to find the best publisher
possible for your ‘baby.’
done this many times myself, I know just how much research you’re now involved
with. Are you considering seeking publishers that specialize in the genre you
write in? Do you feel you should be with a publisher that accepts multiple
genres? Do you need an agent to submit your book? Finally, just what should you
include in your query/submission?
first three questions you, the author, must answer. I have the information you
need for the last question.
order to submit to Solstice Publishing, we ask you to send us your full manuscript—this should be a completed manuscript, your final as we call it.
Before submitting, you should do a thorough read of your book, to ensure there isn’t
anything you missed. Your book should be in a 8.5x11 document and you should
start each new chapter on a new page. The first page should include the title
(and sub-title if you have one) and your name (or the pseudonym you’re using).
Don’t add page numbers in the header or footer. You may have either double or
single spacing. All submissions should be sent to us in .DOC format and be
attached in an email. We do not read submissions that have an extension other
than .DOC or .DOCX, and we do not accept submissions sent through Google docs.
Please don’t insert pictures or any other type of image in your submission.
you have attached your file, you should insert a brief letter in the body of
the email. Introduce yourself. Give us a very short synopsis of your book. You
also need to include your social media sites that you’ve set up for yourself as
an author. Solstice Publishing requires our authors to promote their books on
social media in the contract. Not including social media information will
result in us not reading your submission.
are read throughout the month and we will advise you during the last week of
the month if we are interested in offering a contract or if we don’t feel your
book is right for us. The staff of Solstice Publishing are all published
authors. We know how it feels to have to wait, to wonder if your book will
receive a contract or not. That being said, we do not accept every book that is
submitted to us. We recently changed our criteria and are only accepting a few
books a month.
hope to see many new and exciting books coming our way soon!
Submissions Page: