Beauty Expert -- Recommended Secrets to Look a Decade Younger:
a guest post by Maggie Holmes
Kayla Parker, Pinterest
Aging is something that will happen to everyone in life and there is no avoiding it. It is a natural process, but many people lose confidence in themselves because they simply don't look as young as they used to. No matter if you are in your 40’s or 60’s or even beyond that, these are some recommendations that will both help you feel and look younger.
Find Out Your Flattering Hairstyle
Having a hairstyle that suits your face means that it will minimize your signs of aging. So, when you are continuing to have the hairstyle that usually suits younger people, it will actually give you a youthful appearance. That is why you usually see older women with a shorter, spunkier look.
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As you get older, your skin will lose its volume and you will get wrinkles. That is why hairstyles play such a big part and a good one will complement your face rather than hiding it.
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Let the Colors Do the Trick
As we are getting older, the color of your hair will start to change. Some people experience subtle changes such as lightening over time. But others experience very dramatic changes, with their hair turning grey or white all at once. One of the best ways to fight the signs that you are getting older is to avoid coloring your hair darker colors. When you want to look younger, instead of coloring your hair a dark, mature color, opt for something lighter that blends well with your natural hair as well as the grey pieces. The grey hair you have will look like highlights and they will add depth to your hair.
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Another important thing is to accept that you should pick colors that will brighten your face and hair rather than choosing deep colors that will make you look mature. Keeping your hair lighter, you will help offset the changes in your skin because you are adding vibrance and a glow to your skin and hair.
Your Eyes Are the Key
As you are getting older, you will start to notice that there are some changes on your face, mostly around the eyes. That is usually what women are most insecure about. But there are a few easy things you can do to keep your eyes looking amazing. If you apply your makeup bravely, you will be able to enhance your features and hide the things that you're not pleased with.
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Photo by Taylor Heery on Unsplash
While you can't really make things go away, you can look into getting an eyebrow tattoo to enhance your face and make everything look lifted. But don't use too many products as then you will be cakey and everything more visible.
Switch Up Your Wardrobe
Being older doesn't have to mean that you can't wear nice things anymore. Clothes are a great way to distract from any signs of aging. But this doesn't mean that someone who is in their fifties should dress like they are twenty.
Image by Urszula Mazurkiewicz from Pixabay
Something beautiful and elegant like a silk scarf will work great if you want to cover your neck or a plain white t-shirt with stylish cardigans will work amazingly if you want to hide your arms.
Another thing that can help you appear younger is the jewelry you choose. Think about wearing things that are more eye-catching so they can divert attention. Rather than picking necklaces that are really tight, opt for more looser and longer ones.
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Keep in mind that when you are wearing clothes that aren't age-appropriate, it will just make you look older than you are rather than ensuring you look younger. So, the next time you are doing a romantic date night, instead of wearing a skintight dress, opt for something more classy that accentuates your figure in the right places.
Take Care of Your Skin
Once you are in your thirties, it is time to start taking care of your skin for real. You need to commit to daily routines that will make your face feel and look healthy and youthful. Commit to cleansing and exfoliating your skin because it will remove all the layers of dead skin cells. Another important thing is keeping yourself hydrated and not only by moisturizing. Make sure that you are drinking at least six glasses of water per day.
Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels
That way, your body will flush out any toxins and your skin will have elasticity as well as a healthy youthful glow. Something that is really helpful as you are aging is topical retinoid creams.
Floral photo created by kotkoa -
Retinoids are products that have vitamin A derivatives, and they will improve your skin's elasticity. They will help with fine wrinkles, rough skin as well as any discoloration.
Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels
In the end, you have to accept that you aren't getting younger. Every human will age and look older as they do.
Photo by Ismael Sanchez from Pexels
As it is an irreversible process, you must take care of yourself to make sure it doesn't happen faster than it would naturally.
Guest Blogger Bio
Maggie Holmes is a passionate blog writer keen on writing about fashion, lifestyle, pets and technology. Her exclusive hobby is to surf the net to find amazing articles that can inspire her with some fresh ideas for article writing. She loathes being a common person who wastes her time. Follow her on Twitter.
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As always, happy reading, everyone! Have a great rest of your week! :)
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